20. aug 2020 Mental Helse Kongsberg

Who hears the cries for help?

Relatives cry for help in our town.

This summer, Mental Health Kongsberg has received both telephone calls and feedback that it is very difficult to get psychological help at the right time. Unfortunately, many relatives simply have to work in shifts to be present in a crisis situation for their loved ones. They arrive at the emergency room and are referred on to DPS, but there the capacity is at the breaking point.

Why should it be so difficult to get help when you need it in a crisis situation? Why are you not taken seriously when you talk about suicidal thoughts? Who will help the exhausted relatives who have to take leave from work and are not allowed to sleep due to worry? What can be done to bring about a change for the better?

When we get tough calls and cries for help, we have no choice but to be a listening fellow human being. We also refer to the helpline 116 123 and the emergency room. This hurts all parties. And I think our municipality is doing the best it can with the funds it has. The question is whether it is good enough.

Concerned greetings from Leader of Mental Health Kongsberg
Turid Gundersen

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